Regular practice of Pranayama or breathing exercises is a good way to keep your lungs clean and energized. To avoid the accumulation of cough, cold, and any throat related illnesses during transitional seasons it is important to incorporate pranayama into your daily routine. It also increases the immunity of your lungs, allowing you to sail smoothly through the allergy season as well.

Pranayama is the balancing of your breath. The amplitude and expansion of the breath is also called pranayama. Prana is the life force and hence pranayama provides vitality to the person, if done regularly. It is one of the eight limbs of yoga. Balancing your breath, can also balance your body, mind and soul. 

Pranayama means making your inhalation longer, slower, pausing, and exhaling it slowly. Fill your lungs with the air. Once they are filled completely, pause for few seconds and then slowly exhale, making your inhalation and exhalation longer, slower and deeper. For example, you can count to 10 while inhaling, then hold your breath up to 10 and then exhale with counting 10 in your mind. With every breath feel that the life force or Prana is being drawn in, pulling all the energy of the universe inside. With every exhalation feel that all the toxins, bad thoughts, fear, anxiety and other illnesses are leaving your body. All the energy you are breathing in is healing you and filling you with vitality.

Things to remember while doing pranayama

Do pranayama early in the morning when the air is fresh, and your energy is at a maximum

It is preferred to do pranayama outside and if that is not possible then doing them near an open window is a good idea, so that you can breathe fresh air with every inhalation

Avoid eating anything at least two hours before pranayama and wait to eat at least 30 min after pranayama.

Perseverance is necessary, and choose a time based on your routine, so that you can practice them every day around the same time.

Preferably sit on the ground in a comfortable position like, Sukhasana, Siddhasna, Padmasana or Vajrasana
Choose a position to sit, in which you can maintain for a long time. Keep your spine erect.

Breathing should be done according to pranayama, but it should be comfortable, smooth, long and deep in between pranayama

Choose a hand position or mudra according to the pranayama you are practicing. Gyan mudra is an easy one to go with most of them.

Your body should be relaxed. There should not be any tension or exertion anywhere in the body.

People with high blood pressure or who have gone through any surgery should seek medical advice before practicing them.

Do not overdo it. Start with smaller repetitions and then increase the number and intensity slowly.

You can also chant your favorite mantra with every inhalation and exhalation.

 Stay healthy, stay safe😊😊
