Dry skin brushing to stimulate lymphatic flow

Brush your dry skin from feet up toward the heart- use long sweeping movements, several times in each area. Use a mixture of long strokes and small overlapping strokes. Do both legs, front and back, then the buttocks, back, abdomen, and arms from fingertips to shoulders. Finish with some long strokes all the way up front and back. Always brush towards your heart. Go gently enough not to hurt, but not so gently that it’s too ticklish, and be more careful when you are brushing over more sensitive areas like breast and armpits. The skin you are brushing should become warmer and a little pinkish/darker, but not reddened. After five minutes of brushing, take a shower. Alternating hot and then cold water really stimulates your circulation. After shower pat skin dry and apply nourishing oil all over the body.
