Achieving a natural balance


Forest bathing has shown tremendous health benefits. Research has shown that walking, meditating, exercising, and playing among trees in a forest like environment has physical and emotional benefits. Just 20 mins spent staring at a natural vista decreased stress hormones by 13 percent compared to those in a city environment. A view of water- such as a lake, pond, river, or other water feature-improves the effect. Other benefits of forest bathing include

·      Improved cardiovascular health, including blood oxygenation and heart rate variability, along with decreased pulse rate and blood pressure.
·      Reduced levels of cortisol, a stress triggered hormone related to blood sugar balance and metabolism
·      Improved mood, improved self-esteem, and decreased stress, resulting in fewer symptoms of depression, less hostility, and increased liveliness
·      Decreased brain fatigue and attention deficit, improved cognition, focus, and creativity

Body into balance
Maria Noel Groves
