Telomeres and The Aging Process



Telomeres are the protective cap at the end of each DNA strand of the chromosomes. It is like a plastic tip at the end of the shoelaces. They protect the chromosomes during DNA replication. Each time the cell divides the telomeres gets shorter and shorter, this is the normal process of aging. when telomeres get too short the cells cannot replicate and eventually die. Longer telomere length is responsible for good health and longevity. Shorter telomere length is responsible for degenerative diseases like cancer, arthritis, heart diseases, depression, diabetes, pulmonary diseases.

Ways to maintain telomere length and increase longevity

·    Chronic long-term stress significantly shortens telomeres which is then responsible for premature aging. Find ways to de-stress by meditation and yoga.

·      Physical activity or exercise are very effective in maintaining telomere length.  Telomeres are longer in person who exercise than who leads a sedentary life.

·      Obesity, smoking and chronic consumption of alcohol accelerates telomere shortening and increases DNA damage by increasing oxidative stress.

·       Certain nutrients are responsible in protecting telomere length. Vitamin B6, B12 and Folate play an important role in cellular replication and telomere length. People with high plasma vitamin D actually have longer telomeres and age slowly. Vitamin C and E preserves the telomeres by reducing free radicals.

·      Figs are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants. They contain enzyme ficin which helps to reduce inflammation and reduce oxidative stress and enhance healthy aging. Grapes are rich in resveratrol antioxidant which helps for DNA repair from free radical damage.

·      Turmeric contains curcumin which reduces inflammation hence delay aging. Pomegranate - studies have shown the antioxidant present in pomegranate helps in mitophagy hence helpful in anti-aging.

·      Salmon contains astaxanthin, high in EPA and DHA, reduces inflammation.

·      Avocado, maca powder, bone broth, collagen protein, coconut oil they all contribute for healthy aging.

·      CoQ10 is a compound that helps to regenerate energy. It serves as an antioxidant and protects the cell from oxidative damage.
