How to balance your hormones naturally

Hormones are chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands and they play a very important role in your overall health. For optimal health make sure these hormones are in balance. Hormonal imbalance is on the rise because of multiple factors, unhealthy food choices, environmental toxins, sugar, genetics, stress, lack of sleep, obesity, nutrient deficient diet, all plays a major role in keeping our hormones out of balance.

Signs of hormonal imbalance
·      Overweight or underweight
·      Insomnia
·      Bloating, digestive issues
·      Thyroid dysfunction
·      Thinning of hair
·      Depression, anxiety, mood disorders
·      Fatigue
·      Irregular periods
·      hot flashes
·      Adrenal fatigue

Some natural ways to keep your hormones in check

·      Healthy fats found in coconut oil, ghee, grass-fed butter, pasture raised eggs, nuts and seeds and avocados are very beneficial for hormonal production. Omega 3 fats which are found in fish, mainly salmon, and plant source found in flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds also play a vital role in maintaining hormonal balance. Make sure to include these fats in your diet.
·      Stress is responsible to create havoc in hormonal balance. Chronic stress will lead to high cortisol level which will then lead to adrenal fatigue. It is very important to address the stress issues. Yoga, meditation, walking in nature and in natural sunlight will help to raise your serotonin level, listening to music, keeping a gratitude journal, listening to spiritual leaders, will help to reduce your stress level and keep your hormones in balance.
·      Sleeping 7-8 hours is very important in balancing your hormone. Inadequate sleep leads to disturbance in circadian rhythm which then leads to disturbance in cortisol hormone. Going to bed on time is very important to balance your hormones. Make sure you get a quality, uninterrupted, deep sleep every night. Stay away from blue light an hour before bed time to get a restful sleep. Staying in sun for some time during day helps to increase melatonin levels in the night.
·      Clary sage, lavender, primrose, thyme are some essential oils which can help in balancing the hormones.
·      Environmental toxins can be very detrimental for hormonal imbalances. Make sure you stay away from toxic chemicals, which are present in our surroundings like house hold cleaners, detergents, cosmetics, pesticides, plastics, kitchen utensils.Toxic chemical impairs the hormone production.
·      Foods which can help in balancing our hormones are high fiber foods, dark green leafy vegetables, avocados, wild fish like salmon, red, yellow bell peppers, squash, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spices like turmeric, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, cayenne. Probiotics plays a huge role in our gut health, which will help to keep our hormones in check. Make sure to include natural probiotics like kombucha, kwas, kimchi and sauerkraut in your diet.
·      Sugar creates a major disturbance in balancing your hormones.  Stay away from sugar and also pay attention on hidden sugars.
