Rediscover Your Life

In this fast-paced life, we are always looking for some change. Yes, the world is changing, but are we? We want a quick fix to all of our problems; we take a pill and get better, but unfortunately there is no pill designed to change our habits. A sales man dreams of receiving a bonus and promotion in his job, yet he is rude to his customer. A spouse wants a harmonious marital relationship but neglects the other’s feelings. We want to have a successful business but sit in front of the TV all day. Changing our habits is proven to be the most reliable predictors of happiness and contentment. According to Lawrence Martin, an acclaimed writer there are some tips and strategies that we can practice to improve our habits: 

Start Now— We all secretly believe that we have to wait until things calm down a bit before we can make a progress. Let me get my act together, then I’ll go on that diet, or will exercise, will have a meditation routine. Here is a secret you must have figured out for yourself already- life never calms down. If we don’t change now, we never will, because life doesn’t get better unless we make it better.

Think Small—One reason self-improvement effort fails is that when people do decide to change their lives, they tend to think of changing everything all at once. Instead, try picking one or two behaviors and focus completely on them.

Make A leap—Feelings of fear inevitably crop up at the prospect of change, but that’s no reason to delay. In fact, feel the fear and do it anyways. People we admire because they seem to face life fearlessly may be just as afraid as we are. The difference? They don’t wait for the feeling of fear to depart before acting, but move forward in spite of it.

Reward yourself—Change is easiest when its reinforced by reward. Treat and pamper yourself and feel good.

Think Positive—What do you say when you talk to yourself? Are you complimentary? Are you encouraging? Negative self-talk causes us to doubt, be unsure, worry and lack confidence.
Positive self-talk provides strong new message to help us overcome longtime fears and obstacles.

Monitor Your Progress—Writing down your progress is an act not only of clarification but of commitment. It refocuses you on your goal.

Use the Power of Environment---We need the support, insight, and the fellowship of others to change on a deep level. Seeking out individuals who are examples of what we are trying to accomplish, reading, inspiring books on the subject, motivational reminders—are some of the ways of using the influence the environment to our advantage.

Go Within—Research in neuroscience is providing more and more validation on the value of prayer and meditation in changing unwanted habits and behavior. The mind definitely becomes more capable of being altered and having its capacities maximized.
