8 Simple Ayurvedic Tips For The Summer

Who doesn’t want to bask in the sun after a cold winter?  Summer is almost here.

When the sun raises the temperature during the summer, it evaporates water, making the climate drier. Similarly, in our bodies Kapha which is also a form of liquid, starts to dry up and that space is taken by air. This air makes our bodies dry, and during this combination of dryness and heat we start sweating, feeling fatigued, and our skin starts to show signs of inflammations like itching, rashes etc.

Ayurveda suggests changing our lifestyle and food along with the changes of the seasons. It advises us to choose a lifestyle which can keep our body in balance with the changing seasons and the nature around us.

If we can follow a few simple tips to keep our bodies cool, we can enjoy the heat of the summer.

Here are a few simple things to keep in mind while enjoying the warmth of the sun. 

  1. Drink lots of liquids, like coconut water, or try some fruit flavored water by adding some fruit slices, to keep yourself hydrated.
  2. This is the time to indulge in sweet fruits like mango, lychee, orange, banana, watermelon, cantaloupe etc.
  3. Try to eat less sour, spicy and salty foods to keep your stomach fire in balance.
  4. Avoid doing vigorous exercises in summer, you will feel more exhausted.
  5. Taking short naps is very important to rejuvenate yourself. Find a comfortable place to at least stretch your legs or snooze for few min after your lunch.
  6. Wear loose and light-colored clothes.
  7. Cover your head while going in the sun or minimize your outdoor activities when it is too hot.
  8. Drink a glass of warm and sweet milk at night if you are not allergic to dairy.
With these tips in mind enjoy this summer to the fullest!
