9 Ways To Stimulate Your Senses To Keep Your Kapha in Balance

Kapha tends to increase in Spring.  Here are some simple ways to stimulate your senses to keep Kapha in balance.

During the spring, mother nature is in full bloom. Spring is the time for new growth, color and blossoming which in turn, stimulates our senses. Mother nature gives us a signal that it is a time of new beginning. It is time to stimulate our mind and body by trying something new.

When we stimulate our mind, it helps us release the stagnancy and boredom of the previous colder seasons. This also keeps us energetic and active throughout the day, like a work out for our mind: it helps our mind stay fit and healthy while balancing our Kapha as well. Whenever we try to learn something new, we put our brains through a rigorous workout to enforce this new knowledge and learn it to the best of our ability.

  • Try going on an adventure.
  • Make new friends, rekindle your old friendships.
  • Do something spontaneous like joining an art, music, dance or cooking class
  • Join a book club, gym or yoga class
  • How about trying meditation
  • How about trying something healthy to eat while stimulating your senses during this time of blooming
  • Watch something you like
  • Indulge in some new hobby
  • Or just observe nature

All in all—to keep your kapha in balance during spring-- do something that will make you happy while stimulating your senses and challenging yourself at the same time.
