Bone Strength



 The seven tissues of our body are called Sapta Dhatus in Ayurveda. They are plasma (rasa), blood (rakta), muscle (mamsa), fat (medas), bone (asthi), marrow (majja), and reproductive tissue (shukra). They are the constructing elements of the body and are responsible for the entire structure of the body.  They play a pivotal role in the development and nourishment of the body and maintain the functions of the organs and systems. Their quality is particularly important for our body’s immune mechanism. Dhatus are derived after digestion of the food we eat and called nutrient plasma or ahara rasa. With the help of the heat, or agni, one Dhatu is transformed into next Dhatu in the series.  Rasa is transformed into rakta and rakta into mamsa and so on.

When there is an imbalance in our Doshas, VATA-PITTA-KAPHA, the quality of Dhatus is also affected.

To maintain the health of the Dhatus, keep doshas in balance by adapting good lifestyle choices, exercise regimes and a balanced diet.

The fifth Dhatu, Asthi Dhatu helps in the formation of the bones. Teeth, nails, and hair are formed because of the metabolic process through which bones themselves are formed.  

What happens to our bones, when one of the doshas is elevated?

·         Elevated Vata leads to fragile and weak bones.

·         Elevated Kapha leads to thick and dense bones.

·         Elevated Pitta leads to bone infections and inflammations.

When the quality of the Asthi Dhatu is not good there will be more hair fall, nails will be thin and brittle, and teeth will be darker and decay easily.  Bones will become weak and less dense.


·         If Vata Dosha is aggravated-increase the intake of sweet tasting foods (madhur rasa) to increase the earth element, like grains and nuts, root vegetables like sweet potatoes, and beet roots. Additionally, reduce the number of leafy vegetables, and fruits. Sesame seeds, pistachios, and figs are good. Add yogurt in your diet.

·         If Kapha is aggravated- try increasing bitter and pungent tasting food and spices in your food. Add calcium rich foods like mustard sprouts, black beans, rhubarb, bitter gourds, Brussel sprouts, water cress and pumpkin seeds.

·         If Pitta is aggravated- include foods which have cooling effect like milk, vegetables, fruits, grains, wheat, and mung beans. Fruits like strawberries, prunes, and oranges are good. Also add celery, cilantro, kale, and cucumbers.

·         Asthi Dhatu agni can also be increased by a good exercise regime. Start with milder, weight bearing exercises and slowly increase more weight.

·         Include exercise or yoga asanas which involve joints, shoulder, neck, hand, hip, muscles, and bones.

·         Daily meditation can be very healing for Asthi Dhatu, especially when you are sitting on the floor concentrating on Muladhara chakra. That increases earth elements and supports Asthi Dhatu.


Sesame seeds are a good source of calcium.

In winters, you can have a teaspoon of lightly toasted white sesame seeds every day and in summers, you can soak them in a cup of water overnight, strain them next morning and eat them.

You can also use sesame oil for body massage to keep your bones healthy and strong.

Be careful if you are Pitta body type. Sesame seeds and sesame oil may generate heat for you.

