Holistic self-care suggestions for Joints


To keep your joints happy and healthy, follow the preceding recommendations:

·      Keep well-hydrated. Aim to drink eight glasses of fresh water a day.
·      Clean up your diet of toxins, potential allergens that could be triggering a food intolerance, and foods that promote inflammation. Eat more of the foods that calm inflammation. The body has a few simple strategies for dealing with toxins. Firstly, it will try to excrete them- by using the bowels, kidneys, skin, and lungs. If it can’t get them out of the body, it will try to store them in places that will cause the least harm to vital organs-like the joints, for instance. So if we want to keep our joints healthy, or if we already have more stiffness in the joints than we would like, it makes a lot of sense to detox.
·      Food intolerances are often caused by a leaky gut and are often an underlying factor in problems with the joints.
·      Foods that promote inflammation include all animal fats, sugar, fried food, refined grains, so cut down on these foods and increase the foods that reduce inflammation, like dark green leafy vegetables, seeds such as flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, as well as some nuts.
·      Drink kefir daily to encourage healthy gut flora and strong bones-studies have shown that regularly drinking milk kefir improves bone density and can even help people with osteoporosis.
·      Keep your bowels moving. Our bodies tend to store toxins in the joints if they are not able to excrete them. so, keep the bowels moving well if you have any kind of joints problems. We need to open and empty the bowels every day, or we start to absorb toxins from the feces.
·      Providing your joints and all other parts of your body with extra nutrients is always best to do optimizing your diet and attending to your digestion. Omegs-3, glucosamine is beneficial for joints.
·      Keep moving, our bodies are designed by nature for a wide range of movements that our modern lifestyles often don’t allow for. We need exercise regimes that are enjoyable and give our bodies what they need. The joints need regular movements, like the warm-ups done before any strenuous exercise. Regularly put your joints through their paces-every time you move, the joints make fresh synovial fluid, with fresh oxygen and nutrients to benefit the cartilage.
·      Stretch your joints. Once you are warmed up, help your joints with long, slow, and careful stretching to open them up and allow maximum space between the bones of each joint. Take up yoga and benefit from its mixture of stretching and deep breathing.
·      Mobilize your shoulder. Make a habit of regularly putting your shoulder through their full range of movement.
·      Sleep deeply. In our deep sleep we produce melatonin and growth hormone, which are essential for repair of connective tissue. Sleep occurs in roughly four-hour cycles-and we need two of these each night, in the dark, for optimal health. Disrupted sleep leads to increased inflammation in the body- and painful joints and muscles lead to disturbed sleep.
·      Give your hands regular self massage. The wrist, hands, and fingers together contain twenty-seven bones, with various synovial joints between them  to allow a fantastic range of movement. One simple things that helps them is pumping the joints, which is great for encouraging the formation of fresh synovial fluid and nourishing the cartilage. You can do this with your fingers to fully open position, then push together, then open again.
·      Look at your emotional connections. It is understood that joint problems can be emotionally related to anger issues.
·      Connect spiritually to Mother Earth. Our bones are like the stones of the earth- hidden deep inside, providing strength, full of minerals. Our connection to Mother Earth is crucial to our well-being. Stay grounded with “earthing therapy.” The earth has its own electromagnetic field, just as our bodies do. When you are grounded or connected physically to the earth, free electrons, which are a potent antioxidant, are released into your body_ clearing damaging and disease-causing free radicals from your body at the cellular level, giving beneficial changes in heart rate, and decreasing levels of inflammation. Modern life cuts off from our natural physical connection to the earth’s vibrations- we spend a lot of time indoors, and when we go out we wear shoes that insulate us. People with inflammatory problems of the joints and muscles like arthritis and rheumatism can be helped by increasing the time they are exposed to the earth’s electrical vibrations. The moment your foot touches the earth, or you connect to the earth through a wire, your physiology changes. An immediate normalization begins and an anti-inflammatory switch is turned on. People stay inflamed because they never connect with the earth, the source of free electrons, which can neutralize the free radicals in the body that cause disease and cellular destruction. To get enough exposure to the earth’s electromagnetic field to make a significant change in your health, sit or walk with your feet bare on the earth for at least forty minutes a day.
·      Fully oxygenate your blood by practicing extreme breathing. Deep breathing exercise helps to enrich the blood with oxygen, it helps to decrease the inflammation.

Deeply holistic
Pip Waller
