·      Weight bearing exercise is essential to ensure that bones are strong. A sedentary lifestyle doesn’t give our bones the stimulus they need to make themselves strong. Walking, hiking is good for your bones, as are running, dancing, ball games, martial arts, yoga, climbing stairs.
·      Pay attention to your posture. Our bones and joints are designed to last a lifetime under optimal conditions, but if your posture is poor we are putting undue pressure on parts of our spine, and this leads to more wear and tear, which can cause skeletal and joint problems.
·      Get inside your spine. The spine is designed to move. Many problems in this area come about from a lack of exercise and moving. Each vertebra should freely move with the one above and below- but for most of us this is not happening. Instead, whole sections of the spine move together- which puts a lot of pressure on the one spot that is moving.
·      Say no to sugar. Sugar is more of a drug than a food. It creates acidic environment in the body, which promotes inflammation. It also combines with protein to create AGEs advanced glycation end products. AGEs make your bone age, and may increase calcium loss by the kidneys.
·      Be wary of salt. Too much leads to low potassium which creates an over acidity in the body, weakening our bones.
·      Make sure your diet contains enough calcium in a form that your digestive system is able to absorb. Calcium is high in dairy products but many people have difficulty digesting it. Calcium rich foods are, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, almonds, sesame seeds, figs, oranges, many beans, including green beans, white, black eyed peas, soya bean and sea weeds.
·      Completely cut out fizzy soda and processed foods, which contain high level of phosphorus. This messes up the balance between calcium and phosphates in the body.
·      Nourish your bone marrow. This is where we make all the cells of the blood. Foods rich in folic acid, vitamin D, vitamin C and A is essential.
·      Keep your energy clean with bone friendly bath. Warm salt baths are a lovely treat for your bones, joints, and muscles, and also a very useful way to clean the energy body. Run a warm bath and add a generous handful of sea salt or use any bath salts, epsom salts.
·      Maximize nutrition and make sure to include diet rich in magnesium, chromium, silica, zinc, manganese, potassium, strontium, vitamin A, B, C and D. Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones

Deeply Holistic
PIP Waller
