Body into balance


We can improve the health of our skin, hair, and nails by nourishing its basic qualities and following these simple steps

·      Be in the sunlight and fresh air every day for at least a half an hour. We need vitamin D - it is essential for good immune functioning of the skin itself.
·      Keep yourself well hydrated, aim to drink eight glasses of water, with a little pinch of Himalayan salt in one glass. Cutting down on alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and sugar and reducing salty foods, will help you to stay fully hydrated.
·      Up the omegas. Essential fatty acids, especially omega-3, are needed to make quality sebum and therefore protect the skin. They are found in green leafy vegetables, chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, soybean, fatty fish.
·      Do what you can do to reduce stress. stress is a major cause of illness. The skin is so rich in nervous tissue, and so tied up in our self-image and or relationship with outer worlds, that it is very reactive to stress. The flight and fight of our sympathetic nervous system affects the skin powerfully, in order to protect us from serious harm during potential danger, the blood vessels in the skin constrict tightly, to ensure minimum bleeding if we are cut. This means if we are stressed a lot of the time, the skin has a chronically diminished blood supply, which impairs its ability to excrete toxins and obtain the nutrients it need for rejuvenation and healthful functioning. De stressing your life as much as you are able is therefore essential for the health of your skin.
·      Cut out toxins from your life. If you smoke, make the decision to quit. Alcohol seriously dehydrates your skin, put pressure on your liver and therefore it decreases the ability to deal with toxins.
·      Taking a nice detox bath with Epsom salt and baking soda also helps to improve your skin.
·      Strike a pose with the specific yoga asanas recommended for the skin: recommended for the skin: Dhanurarasana (bow pose) good for promoting circulation in the whole body, encourages lymph drainage, therefore detoxifying by pressure on the abdomen, and is very good stress reducer Downward dog is also helpful.
·      Dry skin brushing has a good general tonic action for skin, it helps to clear toxins by stimulation the lymphatic and circulatory systems.
·      Keeping the skin well oiled. Sesame oil is the most compatible with human skin.
·      Breathing exercises like pranayama also helps to rejuvenate your skin.
·      Consider supplementing o with vitamin C, D, AND E or take it in natural form. Vitamin C for collagen formation, Vitamin A is needed to maintain and repair skin. Vitamin B biotin is needed in the repair of skin, hair and nail cells. Selenium is protective against skin cancer.

Deeply holistic
Pip waller
