Broccoli soup made the right way to increase Sulforaphane

Most people prepare broccoli soup incorrectly, typically they first cook broccoli and then blend it, you are merely mixing the precursor with an enzyme that’s been inactivated by cooking. Do it the opposite order, first blend your veggies and then wait forty minutes before cooking them. This way you can maximize sulforaphane production.

Frozen crucifers like frozen broccoli, cauliflower lacks the ability to form sulforaphane because the vegetables are blanched before they are frozen for the very purpose of deactivating enzymes. This process prolongs shelf life, but when you take veggies out of freezer, the enzyme is inert. At that point it does not matter how long you wait after chopping as no sulforaphane is going to be made. This is why fresh kale has been shown to suppress cancer cell growth in vitro up to ten times better than frozen kale.

Gene stone
Michael MD
