7 Ways To Stabilize Cortisol & Reduce Chronic Stress

7 Ways To Stabilize Cortisol & Reduce Chronic Stress

Cortisol is a number one stress hormone which helps our body to react to any stressful situation.
Our body is designed to respond to any outside stress and threat by triggering a flight or fight response which stimulates adrenal glands to release stress hormone cortisol and adrenaline. Cortisol responds by producing glucose, increasing heart rate and supply energy to muscles. Once the stressful situation or threat is gone, it resumes to normal level.

In today’s modern world even though there is no immediate threat or danger but we are constantly bombarded with tremendous stress, as a result there is a constant flow of cortisol and it never resumes to normal level, leading to a situation of chronic stress and high cortisol level in the body. This creates havoc to our health leading to anxiety, depression, weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, weaken immune system, chronic tiredness, fatigue, impaired gut health, suppressed thyroid function, chronic inflammation.

Ways To Stabilize Your Cortisol Level:

  • Breathing exercise, pranayama has shown to help lower your cortisol. Alternate nostril breathing is a best way to reduce stress.
  •  Some foods can help to tackle stress are Green tea which is high in two relaxing compounds L Theanine and EGCG Epigallocatechin gallate can help lower cortisol. Dark chocolate is a perfect snack if you are feeling low, they are high in flavonoids and can lower cortisol. Fish oil especially DHA and EPA are very helpful to reduce inflammation generated by high cortisol. Turmeric, berries, olive oil, salmon, green leafy vegetables are rich in magnesium and potassium has been shown to reduce high cortisol level  Probiotic and prebiotic food, fermented food like kombucha, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut can be very beneficial for gut heath and in turn reduce cortisol. Prebiotic food like onions, garlic, asparagus, bananas, apple, lentils, legumes are also beneficial. 
  • Sunlight, getting outside and embracing sun will uplift your mood and can lower your cortisol. 
  •  Some herbs like Tulsi and Ashvagandha are also helpful in regulating your stress hormone.
  • Meditation, mindful meditation practice even for fifteen minutes every day is the key to keep check on  cortisol level.
  •  Laughter, socializing, going out and having good time with friends ensures to lower cortisol.
  • Getting a good night deep and quality sleep brings down the cortisol level.
