How Can We Make A Simple Walk Outside A Spiritualized Walk?

The idea of exercise for me is very boring if it is only talking about physical fitness - what about improving the fitness of our body, mind and soul?

I was reminded of a book I read few years ago on prayer walking: “A Simple Path To Body And Soul Fitness” by Linus Mundy. The book talks about prayer walking, and how it is walking with your being. It is a simple method for growing spiritually while you are growing strong physically.

Prayer doesn’t mean you have to fold your hands, have beads or sit cross legged. Neither do you need to go to a Temple, Church or Mosque. It’s about the personal relationship, connection, experience of your own inner life. It’s that single quiet moment at work, home or anywhere.

It combines two activities at once. Twenty minutes of silence can cool you down from the chaos of the world. I love prayer walking now.

A few tips that were useful for me:

  • Choose a natural trail if possible
  • Disconnect your mind from your past and future worries
  • Enjoy the beauty of nature consciously (notice birds, new plants, flower colors, sounds, etc)
  • Elevate your heart rate by walking faster
  • Pick up an affirmation or prayer that is close to your heart. For example, “I am peace, I am joy, I am love. Let God’s will be done. I’m brave and strong.” Repetition of an affirmation allows you to feel empowerment, harmony and joy while walking and praying.
