Pause For 3 Deep Breaths

"For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth." ~ Sanskrit Proverb

Our emotions and thoughts are closely linked to the breath. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali says when you control your breath, you can control your mind and emotions.

In a recent study conducted by Stanford Scientists, the link between breath and states of being was  undeniable. We have a group of neurons in the brain that are responsible for the respiratory system. These connect breathing to states of mind. This small neuronal group works as a breathing rhythm generator sending signals directly to the center of the brain. They play a key role in stress, attention and alertness.

So how best can we maximize our breathing potential?
It's as simple as taking 3 deep breaths and remembering A B C D.
  • Feel overwhelmed? - Pause. Take 3 Deep Breaths 
  • Feeling afraid? - Pause. Take 3 Deep Breaths 
  • Depressed? - Pause. Take 3 Deep Breaths
  • Stress building up at work? - Pause. Take 3 Deep Breaths
  • Just had a long day? - Pause. Take  3 Deep Breaths
The breath is a beautiful indicator of ones state of mind 

When the mind is calm - the breath follows with an even, slow pace.
Experiencing anxiety or stress - the breathing is often shallow, quick or rapid 
When someone is angry - their breath can become forceful and rapid
When depressed or despondent – sighing and depletion sets in
When in pain - people tend to gasp

No matter what you are doing. Just take a moment to become mindful and bring your attention back to your breath. Pause and take 3 deep breaths. 
