3 Simple Ayurvedic Tips For The Changing Season

Spring is the time for Kapha Dosha

When the Kapha accumulated during winter season starts to melt from the warmth of the spring sun, we can feel that our body is producing too much of it. To take care of excess Kapha in our body here are three tips to enjoy the beautiful spring season

  1. Wake up early with sunrise
  2. Do your exercise, yoga, walk. Any form of physical exercise is good
  3. You can sip on your warm herbal tea or just warm water with ginger and honey
Ginger is a wonderful Ayurvedic medicine. Both dry and fresh ginger are used, but they have slightly different qualities and effects on the body.

Qualities Of Ginger In Ayurveda

Rasa: Pungent, sweet

Virya: Fresh ginger is warming and dry ginger is hot 

Qualities: Fresh ginger is unctuous and heavy; dry ginger is light and penetrating

Actions on doshas: Decreases Vata and Kapha, can increase  Pitta especially dry ginger 

Actions on the mind: Sattvic

Really simple tips to follow. These encourage the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one's life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs. 

Start this spring season right with these easy to do steps!
