Enjoy and appreciate your food!!

 Enjoy and appreciate your food!

Food should not only be food for your body but for your mind as well. Your mind plays a big role in how, where and when digestive juices start flowing. The process starts when you start thinking about how other people ‘s work has gone into harvesting and preparing the food. People have worked to grow that food. Appreciate all the people whose effort went into bringing the food to the grocery store before you start cooking. This sends positive energy into the food. When you are preparing food have loving intentions and emotions. Do not cook while you are angry. Emotions carry vibrations and food can absorb these vibrations. Instead, fill your food with loving, happy, caring and healing vibrations.

 Take your time and look at the food, notice the vibrant colors, textures; inhale the scents. After taking a bite, chew slowly and pay attention to the different tastes. Take a breath after each bite and savor the taste of each bite. Eat in a happy, calm, relaxed and clean environment with good company. This is the time for you to fuel your body. What could be more important than this? You are eating for your own health and longevity. Ayurveda recommends eating slowly and chewing your food well. It will help you eat less food, and you will be more satisfied instead of shoveling food mindlessly.  According to Ayurveda, there are six tastes - Sweet, Sour, Salty, Pungent, Bitter and Astringent and we should try our best to incorporate every single one in our daily diet.
