Ayurveda and Environment


Ayurveda means “the science of life” Ayu means life and Veda is the knowledge of living the life in balance.  Ayurveda also explores the relationship between human and its external environment he is living in.

According to Ayurveda, all matter consists of the five elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. These five elements also exist within us. The five elements manifest in how the five senses function and affect the perception of the external environment through sensory organs. They are distributed in the human body into three principles or energies, known as TRIDOSHA (VATA-PITTA-KAPHA). Throughout the life, the basic constitution does not change but the combination of elements changes in the body in response to the changes in the environment we are living in and hence our body shows physio-pathological alterations. Our internal environment is continuously interacting with external environment of cosmic forces. Ayurveda in its holistic approach of healing recommends bringing balance by changes to our food, lifestyle, and habits to counteract the changes happening in the environment outside.

 Ayurveda principles guide one’s mind, body, and soul to stay free of all toxins, pollutions, and negativity, and thus allow to lead a happy and healthier life. Humans are universe with in themselves (Microcosm) and are also part of the external environment (Microcosm). Both Microcosm and Macrocosm have same five basic elemental constituents. Any disturbance or change in Macrocosm affects our internal balance or Microcosm. Therefore, as we practice and adapt a lifestyle which keeps our body healthy and toxin free, we also need to keep our external environment in balance by keeping air, water, and soil pollution free, and keeping noise and light pollution down.
