Ayurvedic Self-Care Massage

 Ayurvedic Self-Care Massage

Massages are an integral part of an Ayurvedic daily routine.  The most popular ones are Abhyanga (uses oils with strokes), Garshana (lymphtic massage), Gandharva (combines touch with sound therapy), Marma (essential oils with touch are used to stimulate energy points), and Udwarthanam (dry powder massage with strokes).

These massages nourish, remove fatigue, promote restful sleep, relieve stress, boost blood circulation, strengthen lymphatic system, open flow of prana by removing energy blockages, protect against aging, soothe body, and mind and pacify doshas.

Oil massages are the most common and are good if your digestive fire is good. If your digestive fire is weak then try dry massages. In dry massages, herbal powders, paste, silk glove, stones and brushes are used to generate heat and stimulate the weaken digestive fire. Its dehydrating and can be particularly good for elevated Kapha dosha.

Choose what kind of massage you should do based on your dosha/body type and health condition.

·         Kapha body type can use- mustard (not for whole body), plain sesame oil

·         Pitta body type can use- coconut oil or almond oil

·         Vata body type can use- sesame oil, almond oil, olive oil

Few tips to follow are

v  Preferably in the morning or late afternoon.

v  Avoid doing it after meals or with full or empty stomach.

v  Sit in a comfortable position on ground or on a stable surface in a warm room.

v  Always start your massage with your head. Take little bit warm oil on each hand and massage the crown of your head using your fingertips in circular motions.

v  Massage your forehead with horizontal strokes. Massage your temples and cheeks in circular motions and your chin in horizontal strokes. Rub around your ears.

v  Move on to your throat and massage your neck and shoulders with upward and downward strokes.

v  Massage each palm of your hand using the opposite thumb. Interlock your fingers, gently tighten them, and gently pull your hands apart. Do same to your toes.

v  From your shoulders move down to your arms and massage them from outside to inside stroking motion. Massage around your elbows in clockwise circles next move to your legs and massage them in a similar way like your arms massage your knees and hips in circular motions.

v  Massage each foot from top, bottom, soles, toes and heals.

v  With gentle up and down strokes massage your chest. Also use circular clockwise motion for chest and abdomen, next Massage your buttocks and back by using firm up and down strokes.

v  Finally, finish your massage with  long strokes from heart to hands and from hip to feet.

Please avoid massages if you have any infection, fever, or anemia or during menstruation and dry massage if your skin is sensitive or you have rashes.

