WOW Virtual Session With Subhash Mittal, January 7th, 2021

2020 was the year we realized that our health is extremely important, and we should make all efforts to make it our top priority. We have developed new habits and evolved in our food, fitness, and lifestyle. 2021 is now trending towards staying healthy. Here is WOW’s first offering of 2021 to keep you calm, healthy, fit, and focused.

In Subhash Mittal’s words: The objective of practicing asana and pranayama (breathing techniques) is to develop a body which is strong and flexible, and a mind which is free from worry and tension so that we can develop control over the mind through meditation.

Practice of yoga offers tremendous benefits at the physical and physiological levels. It is known to provide therapeutic benefits for many common ailments – blood pressure, headaches, anxiety, stress management, heart problems and others. However, he emphasizes that yoga is not a pill for quick relief from any given condition. Yoga must be developed as a lifestyle and the benefits begin to unfold over time.
