·      Clean up your carbs. Cut out processed sugars and white flour, and choose instead unrefined carbohydrates; brown rice, whole grain bread and pasta, root vegetables with their skin left on.

·      Make sure you are getting enough protein. We need a range of essential amino acids to be healthy- ones that we can’t make on our own, so we must get them in our diet. To get enough balanced protein from purely vegetable sources, follow the guideline of eating two out of the three groups at every meal: 1 grain, 2 beans and pulses,3. nuts and seeds.

·      Fats, avoid all human made fats like hydrogenated fats, highly heated vegetable oils increase inflammation, for cooking use coconut oil, such as ghee, olive oil is good for dressings. we need essential fatty acids, omega 3, omega 6. Many of us are deficient in these, we generally need to eat more omega 3s for flexible and healthy cell membranes, anti-inflammatory eicosanoids, reproductive activity, digestive function, and regulation of blood pressure.

·      Garden your gut. Encourage the healthy bacteria by cutting out sugar and refined carbohydrates, which feed unhealthy microbes, and eating probiotic foods like kefir, sauerkraut, and yogurt. Prebiotic foods feed the healthy bacteria, prebiotic foods are chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke, leeks, onions, bananas, grains, and vegetables.

·      Eat with integrity. When we eat, we take in the energy of the food on an energetic level. The life-force of the food is meant to nourish us as much as the nutrients do. Many people are eating animals or animal products that come from animals raised in torment and badly treated. Others are eating plant-based foods grown using chemical fertilizers and pesticides that prevent other plants and animals from thriving where they grow; they are packaged in carcinogenic, non-biodegradable plastic. When we eat this kind of food, we are taking energy of exploitation.

·      Offer thanks. A secret of indigenous cultures that has found its way into the modern culture is the power of gratitude.



Deeply holistic

PIP Waller



