Epigenetics: The genetic wild card

EPIGENETICS: The Genetic Wild Card

 Almost every cell in our body contains all of our DNA and all of the genes that make us who we are; this is known as the genome. But obviously we are not all made up of just one type of cell. Our brain cells do different things from those in our heart, for instance, who behave differently than our skin cells. If all of our cells have the same information, how is it that they do different things?

This is where epigenetics comes in. Epigenetics refers to things that reside above the control of the expression of the genome. In today’s term we might say that the genes are the computer hardware and the epigenetic controlling factors are software that tells the computer hardware how to perform.  So, while the epigenome doesn’t change our DNA, it’s responsible for deciding what genes will be expressed in your body’s cells. Here’s how it works: each cell with all of your DNA waits for outside instruction to give it instructions. This comes in the form of a methyl group, a compound made from carbon and hydrogen. These methyl groups bind to the genes, letting them know when to express themselves and when to stay dormant, and they bind differently depending on where in the body the DNA is.

Histones also play a role in epigenetics and how genes express themselves. Histones are the protein molecules that DNA wind itself around. How tightly wound the DNA is around the histone plays a role in how strongly a gene expresses itself, So the methyl groups tell the cell what it is (“you’re a skin cell, and here’s what you do”), and histones decide how much the cell is going to crank up the volume, so to speak. Every cell in your body has this methyl and histone combination, instructing it what to do and how much to do. Without the epigenome giving instructions to your cells, the genome, our bodies wouldn’t know what to do.

Coming up… how our lifestyle, environment and our health choices influences the gene expressions, stay tuned!!


Deeply holistic
Jeffrey S bland
Dr Axe
