Epigenetics: The genetic wild card cont.

Epigenetics indicates that there are two ways that the health of a population can change overtime. The first is the traditional inheritance of a disease producing gene like that of sickle cell anemia or phenylketonuria. The second is epigenetic in origin and can occur much more rapidly through epigenetic response to a change in the environment. Animal studies have shown that exposure to environment toxins can result in epigenetic changes transmissible to the next generation and can create increased incidence of chronic diseases. More and more, we are seeing that nutrition, social stress, and environmental toxins can all influence the epigenome and alter gene expression patterns- thus increasing the risk of chronic diseases.

The good news is that we can correct the influences that are altering our genetic expression and putting us at risk for chronic disease. That is the great lesson of the biological breakthrough represented in the mapping of the human genome. We can change the messages, we can also shape the response- and there by affect our health outcomes. How can we change the message? By changing what is in our environment, what substances we take into our bodies, and what we do with our bodies for exercise and sense of wellbeing. By making the changes that take away the things that are problem and that provide the things that are missing. We may indeed improve our health outcome

This is within our power. Modifying, altering, or radically redoing environment, diet, and lifestyle is entirely within our reach of every individual.

Disease delusion
Jeffrey s bland
