WE KNOW WE SHOULD DRINK plenty of water, yet 75 percent of people are chronically dehydrated.
 Water — mixed with sodium, electrolytes, and other compounds — constitutes 60 percent of your body, including 75 percent of your muscles and 85 percent of your brain. “There is an ocean inside of you,” and you need to regularly replenish it with plenty of clean water.

The color and scent of your urine will give you a hint to your level of dehydration. It should be light and straw colored (if you take a multivitamin or B vitamins, it might be bright yellow in the hours afterward).

Here are some symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration. Severe dehydration can be dangerous and may require medical attention.
·       Dark, scant, stinky urine
·       Dry, sticky mouth
·       Chapped lips
·        Thirst
·        Headache
·        Fatigue
·       Joint pain
·       Brain fog
·       Skin that is dry or lacks vitality
·       Constipation
·       Dizziness or lightheadedness
·       Weight gain
·        Ulcers

Maria Noel Groves
