Achieving a natural balance


Enjoy good qualities produce, protein, carbohydrates, and fat at every meal and ideally at snack time too. In general, your plate should comprise the following:

  •       One half produce. Plants provide an abundance of micronutrients like vitamins and minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and protective phytochemical that fight disease, improve digestion and detoxification and help you feel great. Aim for five to nine servings daily. Salads, stir fries, beds of greens. Go organic and local if you can, its more nutritious, better tasting and free of chemicals.
  •       One quarter protein. Protein helps you feed satisfied, reduces the glycemic effect of your meal, and ultimately serves as a building blocks for the structure and functions of your body. Focus on fish, seafoods, nuts, legumes and lentils, seeds, poultry grass-fed, raw cheese, yogurt, eggs, organic dairy in moderation, meat preferably pasture-raised, whole grains
  •       One quarter carbohydrate, Carbs primarily serves as fuel. Complex carbs eaten as a part of balanced diet provide a steady energy source without a blood sugar roller coaster. Focus on root vegetables, squash, beans, potatoes, whole grains like wheat, oats, organic corn, rice, barley, rye, teff. Avoid or limit sugar, refined and white flours, and fried potatoes.
  •      A little bit of fat. Fats are a key component of cell membranes, and they have a profound effects on your entire body, particularly nerves, brain, heart, skin, and nails. Fats help your body absorb fat soluble nutrients vitamins A, D, E, and K, carotenoids, and more and are building blocks for various essential compounds, including hormones and cholesterol. Focus on fatty fish, nuts and nut butters, seeds, and seed butters, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, eggs. In moderation whole fat dairy, meat and butter form pasture raised sources

Body into balance
Maria Noel Groves
