What does it mean to eat real foods?

Real food is whole, single ingredient food. It is mostly unprocessed, free of chemicals additives, and rich in nutrients. Its type of food human beings ate exclusively for thousands of years. Real food is food that hasn’t been artificially created, has grown in soil. Real food is food that our grand parents ate before mankind has learnt how to create artificial preservatives, colors, and make processed foods, with sole purpose to generate a lot of money. Eat real foods, the first rule of any healthy diet is to choose unprocessed or whole foods and avoid highly processed and refined foods. Dr Gregor defined a whole food as one with “nothing bad added, nothing good taken away.” A whole food means an unprocessed food- a food that is still close to the form in which it grew. It has not been broken down into its component parts and refined into a different form. It's real food, if it came from plant eat it, if it was made in a plant don’t. The truth is that unless you eat it fresh from the garden, almost every food has undergone some form of processing. where do we draw the line on the spectrum between reasonable adaptions that make our food more accessible and adulterations that make it unhealthy. Let’s take an example of steel cut oats. They are cut up, so they are whole food since all their parts are intact. None of the important nutrients are have been removed in the process, nothing has been added to them-no sugar, salt, oil or preservatives, they are so minimally processed that they can be considered a whole food. On the other side sugary, boxed oat cereals are processed.

John Mackey
Whole Foods Diet
