Some interesting facts about Lymphatic system (episode 2) Part 1

Part 1
The lymphatic system cleans the body by draining excess fluids and debris from the tissue and cleaning up internal and external threats to health from the immune system. The drainage part of the lymphatic system is a series of one-way tubes starting in the tissues as tiny, very permeable capillaries and joining up to form bigger and bigger vessels. These pass-through lymph nodes, which strain and filter the lymph fluid. The lymphatic system makes sure harmful stuff is filtered out before returning fluid to the blood, through the veins that lie below the collarbones. The lymphatic capillaries admit large amounts of tissue fluids containing debris too big to enter the blood capillaries, which will cause a problem if it got into the blood. This include stuff like proteins, pus, damaged or dead cells, bacteria, and other pathogens and cancerous cells.

Deeply Holistic
Peep waller
