Foods that boost the lymphatic flow

Citrus fruits specifically lemons, limes, navel oranges and grape fruits
Berries especially cranberries are rich in detoxifying benefits for healthy lymph flow
Strawberries and blueberries
Greens leafy vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables
Sunflower and pumpkin seeds
Chia, flax and hemp seeds
Salmon and sea food
Herbs and spices like ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper
Garlic, Avocados
Brazil nuts

When lymphatic system gets overly stressed and poor circulation of lymph flow leads to these signs and symptoms:
·       chronic fatigue
·       swelling in lymph nodes
·       Lymphedema
·       muscle aches and pains
·       Joint pains
·       sore throats and getting colds more often
·       frequent infections
·       arthritis
