Factors that increase your risk for diabetes


·      Excessive food
·      Excessive fats (especially fried foods and trans fats)
·      Excessive sugar/carbohydrates
·      Excessive refined food
·      Lack of fiber
·      Lack of nutrients, especially chromium, omega 3s, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin D
·      Lack of bitter foods
·      Food reactions (especially to dairy or gluten, which may trigger an autoimmune response and contribute to diabetes)

·      Not enough movement/exercise
·      Overexposure to pesticides
·      Overexposure to plastics (especially BPA)
·      Overexposure to environmental toxins and electromagnetic frequencies
·      Viral exposure, which trigger an immune response that contributes to diabetes

·      Obesity (your risk doubles for every 20 percent increase in body weight over normal)
·      Genetics
·      Insufficient beneficial bacteria/probiotics
·      Parents ate excessive junk food
·      History of gestational diabetes
·      History of autoimmune disease

Body into balance
Maria noel groves
