Early To Bed And Early To Rise, Why?

‘Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’. Why is this phrase really important to follow? Why should we sleep on time? What happens to our body when we go to bed early? How does it help detox our liver?
You actually have an amazing biological clock ticking inside your body. It helps regulate various body functions when we are sleeping. One of the important function happening is the detoxification.
FROM 11PM TO 3AM, most of your blood circulation concentrates in your liver. The liver gets larger when filled with more blood. This is the time when liver undergoes detoxification process. If you are not sleeping at this hour the liver cannot perform its function smoothly. Your liver neutralizes and breaks down the toxins accumulated throughout the day.
·    If you sleep at 11pm you have 4 hours to detox your body.
·    If you sleep at 12am you have 3 hours to detox.
·    if you sleep at 1am you have 2 hours to detox.
·    and if you sleep at 2am you have only one hour to detox.
What if you sleep past 3.00, you will have no time to actually detox your body and toxins will keep accumulating inside your body leading to weight gain, aging, greying hair, belly fat, low immunity, multiple organs disorders and impure blood too.
Now you know why you feel tired and lethargic next day when you sleep late.
FROM 3AM TO 5AM, most blood circulation concentrates in your lung. This is the time for exercise and breathe in fresh air. As per yoga this is called brahma mahurat, when your mind is calm and stable.
FROM 5AM TO 7AM, most blood circulation concentrates in your large intestines, its time for your daily cleansing and preparing your body to absorb more nutrients.
FROM 7AM TO 9AM, most of the blood circulation concentrates in your stomach. You should have a healthy breakfast.
Most of our grandparents followed this biological clock, no wonder they were more energetic and healthier.
