Best foods for Diabetes


Glycemic index is a value assigned to foods based on how slowly or how quickly those foods cause increase in blood glucose levels.

Balancing your plate

While noting a food’s glycemic ranking is helpful. Keep in mind that it doesn’t consider how the food combines with other ingredients in the meal. Be sure to balance your plate with some protein, some good carbs, plenty of produce, and a little bit of healthy fat, and keep your portion reasonable

Glycemic rankings

1.     High protein or high fat foods that are low in carb
2.     Meat, poultry, fish, and eggs
3.     Fats, oils, cream, butter, avocado, coconut
4.     Soy, nuts and seeds
5.     Most no starchy vegetables, especially leafy green
6.     Nonsweet citrus
7.     Berries
8.     Herbs, spices, plain tea, black coffee, stevia

1.     Foods with high fiber content like whole foods which slows down the sugar breakdown
2.     Starchy vegetables like carrots, winter squash, sweet potatoes
3.     Whole grains
4.     Most beans and legumes
5.     full fat dairy
6.     Most fruits

1.     Sugar, honey, maple syrup
2.     soda, juice, other sweetened drinks
3.     White flour
4.     White starches like potatoes, processed corn, rice
5.     puffed grains
6.     most processed foods, baked goods, candy, pancakes, crackers
7.     Super sweet tropical fruits like bananas, dates

Suggested food for diabetes 

·      Ceylon cinnamon
·      Cassia cinnamon
·      Cranberry
·      Blueberry
·      Green leafy vegetables
·      Whole grains
·      Fatty fish
·      Beans
·      Walnuts
·      Citrus fruits
·      Berries
·      Sweet Potatoes
·      Chia seeds, flax seeds
·      Berries

Body into balance
Maria Noel Groves
