It's time...

It's time...

Never in our lives have we experienced what we are experiencing these days- challenging times of uncertainty and unrest. I believe there is a purpose to why this is happening.

Let’s all figure out our purpose.

Time to reflect, time to have our priorities clear. We can focus on expanding our love beyond our family, friends and all our loved ones during these times. The universe made all of us equal. Regardless of our social, religious, cultural, and financial differences, everyone is equal. Sickness does not see how much of a bank balance we have. The impact of calamities is same on rich and a poor. It is our approach and inner strength which differentiates how well we are coping up.

Time to understand the connection of human and mother nature. Anything that is affecting nature will affect us. A reminder for us is that there is wiring going around us and we are all connected to each other. Each individual thought and deed build mass karma, so we are all responsible to take charge of our lives and take it to the next level wherever we are at present. Then, the future will be bright and beautiful.

Time to rebuild our homes and have the foundation of care, love and respect for each other’s presence rather than running to the world for distractions.

Time to look after each other, listen and pray for each other’s emotional well-being and protect each other.

Time to practice patience, pause and deep breathing in the midst of our activities.  

Time to thank all of our healthcare professionals, doctors, nurses, lab scientists, mail workers, people picking up our garbage, and all of those in the front and behind the scenes of this disease. 

Time to enjoy the moment by appreciating what a gift it is to have a life.
