Benefits Of Reconnecting To The Earth


Stay grounded with “earthing therapy.” The earth has its own electromagnetic field, just as our body do. Research has shown that connecting to earth by walking bare foot on grass, dirt or stones and physically grounded to the earth releases free electrons into your body, which acts as a powerful antioxidant and helps to neutralize free radicals which is generated inside the body at cellular level and helps to get rid of inflammation. Modern lifestyle cuts us off from physical connection to the earth vibrations. It's very important to practice grounding in our busy life because of so many benefits. Earthing also harmonizes and stabilizes the body’s basic biological rhythms, reduces chronic inflammation associated with arthritis and joint pains, it helps you to sleep better, it also helps to reduce stress and enhance calmness, reduces electromagnetic radiation, increases energy level, can also improves the blood flow and blood pressure. Consider walking barefoot 15-20 minutes every day and you will thank mother earth for this amazing benefit it provides. At this time when we all are staying home with our family and with this uncertain time, this is the best thing to do to relieve all the stress and help you to reconnect with mother earth.
