“Health is the state in which you sleep well, digest your food well, are at ease and free from any kind of disease.”
-Swami Sivananda
In today’s challenging and ever changing world, it is very difficult to remain happy and healthy throughout your life, but if you tune into natural rhythms of Doshas and Agni, do things in moderation and follow a routine, you can somewhat get into a habit of healthy lifestyle.
Why is routine important?
Health is a positive state of happiness where you should have a serene state of body, mind and senses. Following a routine of healthy practices prepares your body to wake up, feel hungry, and go to sleep on time.
Why is moderation important?
Moderation gives us an opportunity to prevent ourselves from overindulgence. This can be seen in the forms of overloading your stomach, sleeping late, sleeping during day or suppressing natural urges that lead to ill-health.
Changes in nature, time of the day, seasons, and our age also influence our Doshas and the strength of Agni or digestive fire.
Doshas in different phases of life
Childhood: Kapha Dosha is needed in childhood as it supports the growth, so it should be supported and not irritated.
Adulthood: Pitta Dosha is predominant in adults and they should follow a lifestyle to pacify Pitta and should take the effect of the season into consideration too.
Old age: Old age is heavily influenced by Vata Dosha. You need to bring changes accordingly to keep Vata in balance.
Doshas in different Seasons
Dosha and Agni change with the season and have a strong effect on our wellbeing if they are not kept in balance.
Winter: Kapha and Vata both increases in winter. To balance Kapha, stay warm by drinking warm fluids and following a routine for Kapha body type. To pacify Vata, eat a nourishing diet to satisfy growing Agni. 
Spring: Kapha accumulated in winter melts in Spring. Make sure you are pacifying Kapha in this season by following a diet and lifestyle to eliminate this excess Kapha.
Summer: In summer your Agni is week and there is an accumulation of Pitta because of the heat. Make sure you pacify your Pitta by following a pitta pacifying diet and regime.

Fall: Fall is the time for Vata Dosha and a weaken Agni. Follow a diet and routine which strengthens your Agni during this season.
“Have faith in yourself; do the right thing; help others. This is the key to success, health and happiness.” -Swami Sivananda
