Can We Create A More Caring World?

Can we create a more caring world?

We all have experienced becoming uplifted when we get love, kindness, friendship from others. Whenever any calamities or unwanted mishaps happen in the world, there is an innate tendency of humanity to bond together. There is openness to one another as we feel the need for strength and support. Unfortunately, with daily stress and responsibilities the higher awareness is lost and we so easily return back to the narrow, limiting consciousness of taking care of ourselves and our own needs only. Then, when we don’t feel happiness by living a self-centered life, we wonder why we live in a cold and indifferent world.

So, what can we do? Is there anything we can do to make our society more caring?
Take charge of your personal actions. When we are nurtured, cared for, we feel a strong sense of community; whether that be in family, school, workplace or any other group. It is because people around us expressed loving caring actions. Our bodies require things money can buy but our soul need more than things. We all have contributing roles in the building of a better world. Try conscious acts of kindness.

Tomorrow when you leave home for office or start your day with kids’ activities, try keeping track of your caring actions. When you smile at someone, give yourself a rose or a gold star in your mental diary. Give another flower when you say kind or encouraging words or give a hug, or undivided attention. At the end of the day you will gift yourself a bouquet of flowers and you can ask yourself, “Do I show others I care?” If you don’t like the answer, don’t be discouraged. Its never too late start practicing now. Just do an act of kindness once. Then do it again and again. As you begin to make others happy you will find your own cup of happiness filled with joy and fulfillment. 
