Gram Flour and veggie cupcakes
1 cup Gram Flour
¼ cup Grated carrot
¼ cup Chopped Spinach
2 tbsp Chopped Cilantro
2 Eggs (or ½ cup yogurt) 
2 tbsp Butter or Avocado oil 
¼ tsp cumin powder
Salt as per taste


Take a bowl and add all the ingredients mix well. Consistency should be like cake so if its still thick add some water and mix well. Grease the cupcake tray and pour till half. Bake it for 20 mins at 350*C. Check with a knife if it comes clean its ready if not bake for some more time. Serve with any sauce…..

Gram Flour- It is Gluten free and contains unsaturated fats which help in lowering the cholesterol level. 
Carrot- Rich in Vit A, antioxidant, minerals, fiber and other nutrients. 
Spinach- Good source of vit K, vit C and vit A. Rich in magnesium, iron and vit B12.
