9 Tips to Stay Healthy During Rainy Season

The rainy season brings relief after a dry and hot summer. Water starts accumulating everywhere from the rain and the air starts to cool. With rain also comes humidity, coolness and wind, which aggravates our DOSHAS according to Ayurveda. Our digestive fire, which was already weak in the summer, starts to diminish further. Body starts to produce more Pitta which accumulates due to sluggish digestion causing acidity. There was already too much Vata during the dry summer weather and wind and this season aggravates it even more.  In addition, Kapha Dosha is also aggravated due to the acidity in our body and the atmosphere. Thus, all three Doshas may get disturbed during the rainy season giving rise to many diseases of all three Doshas. We should take care of our mind and body during this season to keep all three Doshas in balance. We have to make changes to our lifestyle depending upon the weather on that day to stay healthy and to enjoy the best of this weather.

Ayurveda suggests few tips to keep our Doshas in balance:

1.       Avoid cold, uncooked foods, salads, beverages and yogurt overall and go for fresh foods instead. Include barley, rice, wheat, ghee, and green mung daal in your diet during this season.

2.       Try taking ginger and rock salt before your meals to aid digestion

3.       Fermented foods are also good to consume during rainy season

4.       Try to have lighter exercise regime like yoga or a brisk walk and stay in shade

5.       Avoid taking naps as it makes our digestion more sluggish and aggravates your Kapha

6.       Add honey to your food and drinks like teas and soups

7.       To keep Vata in balance on a rainy-day sour, salty and fatty foods should be consumed

8.       This is the time to detox your body by treatments like Panchkarma to remove toxins from your body

9.       Best season to go for massages and aroma therapy

       Following these tips will let you enjoy the beautiful rainy season and you can stay disease free throughout.
