Repeatedly Get Migraines or Headaches? Check Your Home For These Today.

Now a days you hear of so many people struggling with headaches and migraines. Not just adults, its shocking to see young kids complain of headaches. The reason for the headaches might not be something you may have expected. 

Walk outside your home and look for a meter that looks like this one. This is your electrical meter. Its a smart meter. See how close it is your bedroom or your children's bedroom. If you are in an independent home, you will most likely find it on the outer wall perhaps on the side of your garage. Town homes may have it in clusters on one side and so would apartment complexes. 

So What's The Big Deal? What Is A Smart Meter Anyway?

A smart meter is an electronic device that records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information back to the utility for monitoring and billing. Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Smart meters automatically send usage information to the utility supplier using radio frequency transmissions.

Studies are showing that the meters expose users to high frequency of electromagnetic fields (EMF) radiation that are known to alter human biological functioning. Check out this short clip from the documentary film - Take Back Your Power

Short Clip From Documentary Film - Take Back Your Power 
Duration: 2:42 minutes 

Health Effects Of This Kind Of Radiation

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies this kind of wireless radiation as a 2B carcinogen.
The BioInitiative report, updated in 2012 contains nearly 2000 papers reviewed by 29 international scientists from over 20 countries on the health and environmental effects of electromagnetic fields.

Some people feel nothing when exposed to EMF radiation, but it important to know that even though they may not have any symptoms, the  proteins within their cells are being permanently altered and may cause symptoms later in life. The harmful effects are cumulative and can take some time to evoke a life-threatening illness. But in the meantime you may be experiencing some of the following symptoms

  • Sleep problems
  • Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability
  • Headaches
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Concentration and memory problems
  • Fatigue, muscle and physical weakness
  • Heart palpitations and chest pain
  • Arthritis and other bodily pains
  • Respiratory problems, sinus, asthma
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Seizures

What Can You Do? 

First get and install a smart meter guard. It's available online. In the US it's easily available on Amazon for about $150. Its really a simply cover that anyone can just place over the smart meter  following the simple directions it comes with. You do not need an electrician or anyone else to help you.  

It has 3 easy steps.
1. Install the meter guard as shown below following the directions it came with. It takes barely 2 minutes to do it.. 
2. Now use some heavy duty aluminum foil and tape it to the inside wall on the back of this meter to block the radiation on the back. 
3. Use plain ordinary wire available at any hardware store and connect one end to the screw on this meter and push the other end into the ground (See the black wire in the image below). This will ground the guard and is an important step. 

Next, educate your neighbor and get them to install a guard too. As their smart meters are constantly bombarding your home. 

Please note that the guard only reduces the level of radiation, it does NOT affect the county receiving the meter readings in any way. 

And finally, turn your WiFi router off at night and  keep your bedroom clear of cell phones, laptops, tablets, TVs with internet devices like RoKu or Fire TV stick need to be unplugged. Keep devices like Google Home, Alexa etc out of your bedroom, esp. at night. 

Many modern chronic illnesses are caused by, or influenced by long-term exposure to sources of EMF radiation such as cell phones, WiFi routers, cordless phone base stations, bluetooth devices, baby monitors, wireless home security systems, smart devices, and other wireless devices that are used every day by modern civilization. However, smart meters are by far, the worst offenders in this list because the radiation is so persistent and powerful.

As you reduce your ambient radiation exposure you will notice many of your symptoms reduce and your health return. Take action today before its too late.
