Fresh and Radiant Skin In Summer - Ayurvedic Tips

In summer, when the weather is hot and dry, the air accumulates due to the dry, dehydrating effect of the heat. Your skin also loses moisture and becomes dry and itchy.

1. Keep your body hydrated with water, juices or coconut water to have soft and supple skin

2. Stay in shade to avoid direct sun rays falling on your skin, or wear hats and clothes to cover your scalp and skin when the sun is too hot.

3. Eat fresh, seasonal and raw fruits and vegetables with cooling effects on your body like cucumber, green leafy vegetables, pumpkin, coconut, plum, watermelon etc.

4. Use homemade or natural products to cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize your skin.
    To cleanse you can choose, lemon juice, honey, milk, or rose water depending upon your skin type.
    To exfoliate make a scrub using any of the dry powders suggested below mixed with milk, oil or water (ubtan). You can also apply face masks made with fresh fruits, black gram flour, turmeric powder, sandalwood powder or clays for exfoliation.

    And finally moisturize your skin with aloe vera gel, rose water, coconut oil or any cold pressed, organic oil like olive or sesame oil etc.
    Try dry powder massage (ubtan). It can be any one flour or a mix of the following flours: wheat, barley, mung bean, black gram, black sesame, black lentil, rice, and oatmeal to exfoliate and to increase blood circulation and movement of accumulated lymph.  You can also add your favorite herbs and scents to it

    Indulge in oil massages to remove excess dryness and toxins from your body

5. Stay stress free and sleep well. Stress and sleeping late at night shows on your skin as wrinkles and acne, and excessive heat and dryness increase the appearance of wrinkles. A good night sleep gives enough time for your skin to repair and rejuvenate to stay flawless.
