2 Important Things To Know About Your Water

Have you ever stepped out of a shower slightly dizzy or nauseous? Perhaps you thought you showered too hot or too long. No you didn't.

According to Dr. Coldwell, the water that comes into our homes has chlorine, fluoride, and at least 256 different chemicals.

Fluoride was used by Stalin and Hitler in the Nazi concentration camps to make the people in these concentration camps docile and infertile. It has a direct instant impact on your brain

Chlorine - chlorgas that is chlorine in gas form was used by Hitler in the gas chambers to torture and kill people.

In the shower, the shower head cuts open the water molecules and the chlorine in the water turns into gas and fills your shower and turns it into a gas chamber. Very similar to a gas chamber used in concentration camps. The dizziness or nausea you feel is the chlorgas.

Our water also contains 256 different chemicals including the drugs that have been used for psychosomatic treatments.

It is very important to filter these out before we drink or use the water for cooking/bathing/showering.

1. Please use a shower head filter. Check the filter to ensure it filters chlorine, fluoride and other unwanted chemicals.

2. Use a reverse osmosis (RO) or a gravity water filter system with additional chlorine, arsenic, and fluoride filters attached. Ordinary over the counter filters DO NOT filter the fluoride, nor do your ordinary refrigerator filters take out the fluoride and arsenic.

  • Use filtered water for cooking 
  • Please avoid drinking water stored in any kind of plastic/plastic bottles. They contain BPA. Always use only glass bottles, ceramic, or stainless steel.

BPA can seep into food or beverages from containers that are made with BPA. Exposure to BPA is a concern because of possible health effects of BPA on the brain, behavior and prostate gland of fetuses, infants and children. Additional research suggests a possible link between BPA and increased blood pressure.

If possible install a whole house water filtration system - this of course can be a bit expensive. At the very least work on getting a  shower head filter and drink water that has the been filtered through a good R/O or gravity filter like a Berkey system.

These chemicals in our drinking water are the primary cause of multiple health problems many are facing today including the alarming rate of increase in cancers.

Adding a shower filter and ensuring the drinking water in your home is fluoride, chloride, and arsenic free are a big first step (and an easy one) towards better health.
