12 Foods To Always Buy Organic

Benefits Of Eating Organic Foods

  •   Organic produce is free of toxic chemicals, they are not treated with pesticides, fungicides, and insecticides, like the conventionally grown produce. Consuming organic food is the only way to avoid these harmful chemicals. Plants and animals which are not organic are often treated with ionizing radiation, growth hormones, and antibiotics which in turn are responsible for so many health problems.
  •  Buying organic products will also ensure that there are no GMO’s in the food.
  • Organic farming is also beneficial for the environment. It prevents pollution, soil erosion. They do not use synthetic fertilizers, weed killers instead use animal manure and crop rotation, which enriches the soil and also helps to increase the nutrients in organic produce.
  • Organic produce is more flavorful, colorful and tastier than commercial produce because the soil is richer in minerals and balanced and well protected.

The environment working group is a nonprofit organization is dedicated to protect human health. They analyze the government testing on pesticides in US, the following fruits and vegetables have the highest level of pesticides that’s why they are called the Dirty Dozen and its better to buy them organic.

The Dirty Dozen
  1. Strawberries
  2. Apples
  3. Celery
  4. Potatoes
  5. Spinach/kale
  6. Peaches
  7. Pears
  8. Tomatoes
  9. Nectarines
  10. Grapes
  11. Cherries
  12. Hot peppers

Fruits and vegetables, you don’t necessarily need to buy organic are called Clean 15, commercially grown produce are low in pesticides

The Clean 15 
  1. Avocados
  2. Pineapple
  3. Papaya
  4. Onions
  5. Cabbage
  6. Cauliflower
  7. Mango
  8. Eggplant
  9. Kiwi
  10. Cantaloupe
  11. Mushrooms
  12. Sweet potatoes
  13. Sweet peas frozen
  14. Honeydew melons
  15. Sweet corns
