Need Help To Focus? Use This Essential Oil Blend.

With so many distractions available most of us struggle with bringing in focus. Whether you are an adult or a child preparing for school, essential oils can be used to help you focus.

Essential Oil blend To Increase Focus 

  • Cedarwood 
  • Frankincense
  • Sandalwood
  • Vetiver 

Use 2 - 3 drops of each of the above essential oils in a diffuser and  allow the aromas to fill the room where you are working. 

For stronger effects, in about 10 ml of carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, or even avocado oil) add 1 - 2 drops each of the above oils. Gently massage up and down on the spine and  bottoms of feet. 

If you are looking to bring in mental clarity, then use the following essential oils 
  • Peppermint - is great for invigorating, clarity, its refreshing and healing 
  • Rosemary - powerful stimulant, helps with mental clarity 
  • Basil - stimulates, sharpens focus & attention to detail 
  • Cypress - assists concentration, assists structure, gathers energy 
You can use these individually or combine them into a blend. You may diffuse them in a  room using a diffuser or apply topically in a carrier oil like mentioned above

How Do They Work?

Essential oils are the true living essence of the plant. They are 50 – 60 times more powerful than the dried herb/plant parts. Essentials oil protect, defend, and repair any cellular damage. Be sure to use only pure 100% therapeutic grade essential oils. These are not the same as scents or fragrance oils. 

When essential oils are diffused in a room, the essential oil is sent directly to the center of the brain, via the olfactory bulb, to the limbic system where it is processed and releases neurochemicals that can be relaxing, stimulating, sedative, etc. depending on the essential oil being used.

An essential oil when applied topically travels through our body system within minutes. Typically about 26 seconds. They are powerful healing tools and within a 3 to 6 hour window they are also expelled through the body. Meaning for maximum healing benefit they must be reapplied every 3 – 6 hours. 
