Five Natural Ways To Build Strong Bones

Taking care of your bone health is very important. Our body reaches its peak bone mass between age 25 and 30, after 40 our body slowly starts losing bone mass, building a foundation early in life is very important to ensure good bone health. Sedentary lifestyle and inadequate diet can lead to Osteoporosis. It is a condition where there is a reduced bone density and bones becomes weak and brittle.

Here are 5 ways to build strong bones

  • Alkaline rich foods prevent bone loss. Your diet should be 80 percent alkaline foods and 20 percent acidic foods. Example of alkaline foods are broccoli, spinach, avocado, celery, almonds, kale, cucumbers, bell peppers, cauliflower, wheat grass, asparagus, sprouted bread, mung, lentils, quinoa, kamut and millet.
  • Diet rich in calcium, magnesium, vitamin K, phosphorus and potassium will encourage in building strong bones and also prevent bone loss.

Calcium rich foods are collard greens, kale, spinach, mustard greens, broccoli, sardines, yogurt, grass fed milk, kefir, cheese, almonds 

Magnesium rich foods are spinach, swiss chard, pumpkin seeds, almonds, black beans, avocado, yogurt, kefir, banana

Manganese rich foods helps in the formation of bone mass, brown rice, buckwheat, rye, oat, amaranth, beans, legumes and macadamia

Potassium rich food are avocado, sweet potato, salmon, tomatoes, raisins, potato, spinach, bananas, papaya, orange, pomegranate, coconut water.
  •   Exercise also builds strong bones. weight bearing and strength training exercise are the best for your bones. Brisk walk and swimming are also very helpful.
  •  Fermented foods improve your gut health. They help to populate the good bacteria in your gut. Well nourished microbiome helps to absorb minerals and vitamins. Studies have shown that probiotics can help to have better bone health. Example of natural probiotics are kefir, kombucha, miso, kimchi, sauerkraut. Make sure you include these natural probiotics in your diet for better bone health.
  •  Vitamin K2 also plays an important role in bone health. It’s good to take it in a natural form. Good sources are natto, goose liver, cheese: brie and gouda, egg yolks from pasture raised chicken, grass fed butter, ghee.
