A Good Way To Eat To Keep Your Body In Balance This Spring - Food Pie Chart For Spring. Ayurveda Kapha Balance

Did you know that you can balance your Kapha by choosing what to eat and how much to eat?

Balancing your Kapha Dosha during spring can be very challenging. According to Ayurveda, we should
eat local, fresh,and seasonal to keep our Kapha in balance.

This pie chart shows what percentage of different foods you should consume throughout the day to
soothe your Kapha.

During spring choose to eat more whole grains (buckwheat, millet, and barley), vegetables (leafy greens, artichoke, and broccoli) and fruits (apples, mangoes, and peaches). Add a variety of legumes (aduki and mung beans) to our diet, but soak them well before cooking them with spices. 

Keep dairy products and nuts to a minimum to avoid mucus production. Keep your food light and simple not rich and heavy.
