An Easy Way For Hair Regrowth Using Essential Oils

Throughout the ages, lustrous and luxurious hair has been praised in poetry and celebrated in art. Today’s harsh shampoos, chemical treatments, and compromised diet and  lifestyles have left many women feeling frustrated.

100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils can be very successfully used to promote hair regrowth and quality. In addition to offering nutrients for hair regrowth, these oils also work on mental, emotional and physical levels healing from the inside out while protecting, defending, and repairing the body on the cellular level! 

Essential oils represent nature in its most concentrated form. Recent research is showing that just one drop contains a complex network of hundreds of different unique natural compounds. These are far more potent than dried herbs. Essential oils and extracts stimulate tissues and nerve regeneration. 

A wonderful blend of essential oils that naturally strengthen and encourage hair regrowth. 

Hair Regrowth Spritz 

  • Small 2oz glass spritzer bottle
  • Purified water 
  • 5 drops peppermint essential oil 
  • 5 drops geranium essential oil 
  • 5 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops tea tree essential oil 

Fill spritzer bottle half way with water 
Add the essential oils
Fill completely with water
Close and give a good shake

Give the bottle a good shake before each use. Essential oils and water do no mix so this is an important step 
Generously spray hair before combing every morning. 

The oils enter your scalp and nourish your hair follicle throughout the day. You can repeat as many times a day as needed. This blend also has a beautiful natural fragrance. 

In addition to nourishing the hair, you gain the powerful aromatherapy benefits of this very powerful blend. 

Alternate Blend
As an alternate - if you are used to using a hair oil, you can add this blend of essential oils to your hair oil before massaging. (do not use water when adding to hair oil) 


  • Helps overcome mental fatigue 
  • Improves mental clarity & focus 
  • University of Miami scientists found that inhaling rosemary boosted alertness, eased anxiety, and amplified analytic and mental ability 
  • Rosemary is very powerful for preventing hair loss and encouraging hair regrowth 

  • Purifying and stimulating to the conscious mind 
  • Research shows that inhaling peppermint helps attention, performance, and focus.
  • Helpful in preventing dandruff and itchy dry skin, helps keep scalp healthy

  • Improves blood flow and revitalizes skin cells - encouraging hair regrowth 
  • Balances emotions
  • Lifts the spirit 
  • Fosters peace, well-being, and hope 

Tea Tree 
  • Antimicrobial and helpful for skin conditions - nurtures the scalp 
  • Promotes cleansing and purity 

Give this hair regrowth spritz a try. This has become a main stay at our home. Each morning we spray the kids hair (and ours) with  it before combing. Not only has it helped their hair and quality , it has helped them mentally and emotionally as they go through their school day. It helps them stay focused and in balance. 

Essential oils are nature's wonderful gift. Bring them into your daily life and see the amazing benefits! 
