5 Things Which Will Help Boost Your Level Of Happiness

Happiness is a Choice.Waiting to be happy limits our potential for success.

It is hard to come up with one single definition for happiness.Happiness is relative to each individual.Things which make one person happy does not necessarily make the other person happy too. A lot is based on how we each feel about our own lives. Where ever you are in whatever phase of your life, doing a few simple things can raise your bar or level of happiness.It is individual effort and paying attention to yourself consciously. 

Increase your level of Happiness by incorporating few things in your life if not all.

5 things which will help boost your level of happiness.

  1. Mediation
  2. Gratitude - ( maybe write in a journal 3 things you are grateful for in life)
  3. Look forward to something fun which you enjoy—( plan your next day night before)
  4. Be Kind—( In speech, In thoughts, In actions)
  5. Exercise — ( Nature walk)
