5 Things That Happen When You Skip White Sugar

Craving something sweet? Reach for natural simple sugars like fruits or dates. Skip the white sugar. 

White processed sugar is detrimental to your health. It is responsible for a number of diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, cancer, weight gain, chronic inflammation, this list goes on. 

What happens to your body when you stop eating sugar?

     You will look younger
Eating too much sugar causes glycation, it is a process where the sugar molecule attaches to collagen protein and ultimately breaks down elastin and degrades collagen. Wrinkles, deep lines and sagging skin are all produced by glycation. When you stop eating sugar, you will look younger and your skin will become better, you will have less acne and pimples.

Shed some pounds and help you lose weight
Staying away from sugar will help you lose weight. Eating high amount of sugar increases blood insulin level, which will convert this sugar into fat.

You will not get sick or catch colds that frequently
Sugar weakens your immune system. When you eat sugar, it lowers the ability of white blood cells to fight infection by 50 percent for 4-6 hours. Constant consumption of sugar will weaken the ability to fight any infection.

You will be happy, less irritable
Consuming too much sugar can lead to chronic inflammation in the body. Studies have shown that inflammation contributes to anxiety, mood swings, headaches, irritability, depression. Cutting sugar will make you less irritable and happier.

Sugar can make you age faster
Lowering your sugar intake can slow your aging process. Telomeres are the structure found at the end of the chromosomes, as you age it shortens. By consuming sugar, it accelerates the process of shortening and leads to premature aging.

While the body does need sweet, processed white sugar does it no good. The body desires natural simple sugars from fruits and natural foods like dates. This week watch your sugar intake. Take that first step and reduce your intake by half.
