5 Steps To Save Your Child's Brain From Digital Dementia

"Children in the US average 7 hours of screen use a day and check their phones 85 times a day!"

Research is now showing us just 2 hours a day of screen time can impact a child’s brain function. It rewires the brain's neural circuitry.

"Increased screen time neglects the circuits in the brain that control more traditional methods for learning in the frontal lobe that are typically used for reading, writing and concentration.

This abuse of digital technology is resulting in the breakdown of cognitive abilities in a way that is traditionally seen in people who have suffered a head injury or Alzheimer's disease." Lloyd Burrell. 

Digital dementia - A term coined by neuroscientists Manfred Spitzer - constantly shifting attention between devices (smartphone, computer, tablet, TV) causes loss of cognitive abilities. Simply put it causes your brain to shrink and you get dumber. 

If you use a smart phone then you need to watch this video. Video duration 5:00 minutes. 

What Can You Do?

It's time for a digital detox. More importantly for our children. Here are a few suggestions from Dr. Krista Burns.  Author and speaker Dr. Krista Burns has been educating practitioners about the dangers of digital dementia for over 5 years.

1. Reduce combined screen time to less than 2 hours a day for developing children (0 hours for infants)

2. Set healthy boundaries with technology for the whole family. Set a few times each day that are tech-free and a few zones in your home that are tech-free. For example kitchen and dining and bedroom can be tech-free zones. No screens before breakfast, no screens during dinner and for 1 hour before bed. 

3. To help recover from any damage already done - get in at least an hour of active play. 

4. Bring in super foods to supercharge your child's brain
Food shown to improve brain function like broccoli, nuts, blueberries, and leafy greens

5. Go  outside in nature. Nature has very powerful health impacts. Being in nature positively stimulates a child's neurology. Nature sounds, smells, looking at nature scenes near and far engage the fields of gaze, kinesthetic touch and energy exchange with the environment. Spend at least one hour outside in a green space. 

It is well known that if you don't use a part of your body, it loses it's abilities. Exposing children to media early affects their brain development. It trains the neurons in their brains to expect information at very high speeds (quickly changing images/lights over simulates the brain). It creates neural networks in their brain so that child expects to receive constant stimulus all the time - leading to a diagnosis of attention deficit disorders and behavior issues. 

Take action today! Go on a digital detox!
