
Waling Meditation, November 20th 2019

Aging Gracefully Workshop In Progress, November 9th, 2019

Socializing at November 9th, Workshop 

Conversations Over Lunch Connect With Yourself WOW Workshop
Time: 1:10 minutes

What Part Of The Workshop People Enjoyed 
Time: 1:56 minutes

What Did People Think Of The Connect With Yourself Live WOW Workshop 
Time: 3:22 minutes

Workshop In Progress
Time: 0:45 minutes

It's hard to pinpoint one session from the Nutrition Club as I have learned a lot from each session. If I have to select, then the sessions on menopause, and all diet & vitamin related sessions have been very helpful. I have made lifestyle changes including taking supplements, juicing, and choosing healthy grains. I like the learning aspect of being in this club as it helps me and my family get healthy. Of course food and socializing are an added bonus. In the future a session on sleep irregularities will be helpful
Anjali Shroff

I have enjoyed all the sessions of the Nutrition Club that I have attended. I particularly got most benefit from the session on probiotics, radiation, and essential oils. After being a member of this club, I have stopped using commercial skin care products, am more watchful about radiation, and of course more aware of the food.

All aspects of learning, socializing, and new recipes is something I look forward to with each meeting. I have noticed health improvements. My back has recovered a lot over these past few years. I have certainly brought in changes like juicing, probiotics, supplements, exercise, and meditation in my lifestyle. My family has been very supportive and receptive to these lifestyle changes. I am looking forward to learning more on nutrition, holistic living and healing.
Manisha Goel

I have enjoyed the sessions on probiotics, nutrition for 40+, and vitamins & deficiencies. After joining the Nutrition Club I have become conscious of healthy living and making children aware of healthful living. The aspects of learning, socializing, food, (& oxytocin ! ) are something I enjoy about being a part of this club. I am also more aware of what I eat and of the importance of exercising. I wish there was a way to archive the topics discussed for future reference. Bringing these lifestyle changes through to my children and spouse is a work in progress. 
Jyothi Kaushik

I have enjoyed the session on teenage counseling and holistic oils. After joining the Nutrition Club I have been able to use the knowledge the correct way and have been able to gain more. I am making healthy choices and eating more greens (juicing sometimes).

I have seen a huge improvement in myself by choosing right portions of eating, when to eat, and what kind of products we must avoid. I have also made changes in my living environment, cooking methods, and sleep habits. Have also become aware of the radiation around us, and how to manage it when we struggle. I have been able to incorporate a little bit of all - juicing, probiotics (making kefir, kvass  myself) and some meditation (try to do at least 10 minutes a day)

I love being a part of the Nutrition Club. Thank you for having me as a member. 
Monika Farmah

I found the sessions on Nutrition over 40 and Radiation's impact on our lives very useful. After joining the nutrition club I have begun juicing and consciously eating nutrient rich foods. I enjoy all aspects of learning, socializing, and getting new food recipe ideas from this club.
Tripti Chauhan

My journey to good health started after my move to NC. I was welcomed into the Nutrition Club with open arms. This was the first time I met a group of women who were not just knowledgeable and friendly, but also very helpful and held high moral values. I have benefited in more ways than I could have ever imagined after joining Nutrition Club. I learnt about gut health, probiotics, essential oils and geopathic lines, to name a few.  Feeding our soul with good deeds, our minds with good thoughts and belly with good food, all result in giving you the gift of good health was the most important take away from the meeting I have attended this far.I have made many changes in my lifestyle following these discussions. I have incorporated juicing, probiotics, have identified geographic lines and fixed them. I have started eating healthier foods and started meditating. My daughter too has become conscious of the food she takes. She has started eating salads, having juices and smoothies, cut down her intake of sugar. It has been an incredible 3yrs for me. I not only found a great club, I found an amazing family!
Lakshmi Ganesh

I found the sessions on Ayurveda and Meditation were very helpful for me. I have made lifestyle changes by including meditation and alternative medicine systems after I started coming to this club. Actually, I have become more cautious about my eating habits. I love learning, sharing knowledge, and having fun in the Nutrition club meetings. It was initially hard to follow the things suggested in the club, especially juicing, but my husband got into it before me.

Padmaja Sharma

I like meeting like minded people in the club. We were already following some of the tips learned, but the club has re-enforced, held me accountable and really helped keeping the family healthy. I have definitely incorporated lifestyle changes including food, supplements, juicing, exercise, and meditation. I have seen improvements in my sinus issues, immunity, and Vitamin D levels. I want all of you to keep up the good work. It is an integral part of life with gems of information, support and above all- the love and affection of the group is remarkable.
Sonali Birla

I loved having discussions on leaky guts, vitamins, toxins, probiotics, and other food combinations. I have started to exercise and juicing more, and I think my overall thinking about  a healthy lifestyle has improved after joining this club. I would like to see more recipes and have more discussions in future in the club meetings
Ishita Pothiwala

Almost all the sessions of Nutrition Club were very good, but sessions about healthy eating and vitamins were very helpful for me. I have started some changes in my lifestyle like, I have started exercising more and started juicing. I love learning about new things through this club.  It has helped me to become healthier. I would like to learn more about holistic approaches through these club meetings. It was easy to bring small changes, which were easy for whole family.
Rupande Gondalia

I liked all of the sessions from our Nutrition club meetings, but the ones I found most interesting were on Radiation, Menopause and essential oils. After being in the club for 8 years, I did some drastic changes in my lifestyle, I consciously use more organic products, I have switched to organic grass-fed milk and I incorporate more sprouted grains in my diet. I love the social aspect this club brings in; it is very lively and love how we all take part in celebrating birthdays, festivals and graduations. This club has helped me come out of my comfort zone and interact with people and at the same time learn the wealth of knowledge on different topics, which are covered in every meet. I see the improvement on my Vitamin D levels, I am more open to trying new things and follow all the wonderful recipes we share during our meet. I have incorporated juicing, probiotics, supplements and exercise. In future, I would like to see sessions on holistic living and herbs. My family has also adopted the lifestyle changes to some extent and hoping to see more changes in near future.


I have regularly attended all the Nutrition club sessions and the one stands out for me were on Sugar, Menopause, Supplements and Radiation. I try to learn something new every time I come to these meets, I enjoy socializing and learning at the same time. I like to try the new recipes, which are shared on our meets. The health improvements I made were I started juicing; I take probiotics and know its importance, added Apple cider vinegar on my routine. I am more conscious of making healthier choices like adding more greens, buying more organic products. I am able to take better care for my family and teach my kids to make healthier choices. I have also incorporated meditation after seeing some sessions. I am also motivated to learn new things every time I come to these sessions and follow the path of healthy living with my fellow members.


I always look forward to attend the meets of Nutrition club. I accomplished and learned a lot from the topics on skin issues, Microbiome and Radiation. I am more aware of making healthy choices and try to incorporate this in my daily routine. I enjoy learning and social aspect of this club. After joining this club I am eating healthier, watching my weight and try to exercise more often. Initially it was not easy to change the habit, but with the support of NC I am able to make changes for my family and myself.


I liked all the sessions of NC, but topics on Probiotics, Pms, and Menopause were my favorite. The changes I made in my lifestyle is now I am more aware of food I eat, I have cut down on the processed food and added more organic produce. I have started juicing after joining this club, which has made a huge impact on my health. I mostly enjoy learning together and like the social aspect of our club. I focus more on my family’s health now by making healthier choices. I incorporate juicing, probiotics, supplements and meditation. I would like to see some information on Thyroid on our future meets.


All the nutrition club meetings were really good and I got to learn something new each time. Hazards from technology are something very close to my heart, and topics related to those were something I related to, and took extra effort to implement. I have learned to limit the number of servings when eating, and to cut down on sugar intake. My weight has reduced from 155 pounds to about 142 now :) I love listening to my contemporaries speak, who have so much knowledge about mental and physical health. Each session is like a wake up call. Of course not to mention the yummy healthy food, socializing, fun and frolic. I used to have high blood pressure and diabetes... I do not have BP anymore and my doctor has stopped my sugar medications temporarily... will know in three months if i will be permanently without medication. I owe this to  lifestyle changes because of NC. I have tried juices a lot, limit food portions, lots of breathing exercises and being conscious of what is being eaten, taste, texture etc without the mind being distracted with other thoughts. Probiotics and supplements have helped a lot too. I would like to see some topics on Nutrition for the body and mind and maybe some fun sessions.

